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The Helen Haynes / William and Shirley Edwards Family Foundation awards in two grant cycles annually, spring and fall. Each award is typically $1,500 or less. Below is a summary of our grantmaking.



Fall 2020 Grant Recipient

I aspire to make a positive impact through teaching, storytelling, and research. As the world attempts to accommodate more remote learning, I see this shift as an excellent opportunity to meet the needs of students who lack access to educational enrichment and resources for educational advancement. The Helen Haynes/William & Shirley Edwards Family Foundation grant has aided me in meeting the needs of students by providing me with a new computer to record quality lecture videos and to seamlessly showcase teaching demonstrations during live Zoom videos. In 2020, I have been able to design and teach remotely a new college course on sports and race as well as an interactive workshop for teenagers on radical speculative fiction and social change. Financial support from The Haynes Edwards Family Foundation has put me one step closer to my goals. 

Thank you, 




Fall 2020 Grant Recipient

The grant was helpful as I used it to purchase my textbooks for my classes for my first semester of pharmacy school. Pharmacy school is extremely challenging and without those books there is no way I would’ve been able to do well in my classes. The curriculum at my school is Team based learning which means the majority of the studying is done outside of class so having a text book is essentially a requirement. I am very appreciative that I was a recipient of this grant, it definitely assisted me in completing my first semester of classes.

Thank you!

Robinique Love

Our Grantee Awards : News
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